Are You Fed Up "Pooping Shards Of Glass"
Every Time You Visit The Restroom?

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6 Weeks To A Full Life
Risk Free Using Natural Methods
Full Support Provided

My name is Sam Summers and until recently, I was just like you.

* I suffered with a horrible anal fissure *

Overwhelming Pain

I used to dread using the bathroom at home ... knowing that after a painful bowel movement, I'd be howling in pain and rolling around in agony for hours after.

The pain was all consuming ...

It took over my thoughts and left no room for the people that were closest to me: my wife and my two young kids.

And it didn't stop there.

I soon developed an irrational fear of going out because I knew that using a public restroom (with my fissure) would leave me in agony.

Kiss Goodbye To A Real Life

(This is the turmoil that my fissure caused)

- My career suffered because I had to take so much time off from work.

- My social life suffered because I kept on turning down invitations from friends.

Eventually, all the people that I was close to gave up on me.

Within just a few, short, weeks of suffering an anal fissure I became a recluse.

It felt like no one understood what I was going through.

I had no friends ... no work life ... and to top it all, no way to support my family.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

My life became a living hell ...

(and I couldn't see a way out of it.)

I felt fear, shame and embarrassment.

Over and over I'd ask the question: why was this happening to me?

It didn't seem fair ... I'd always looked after my health.

Getting Vulnerable

In no time at all, I fell (hard) into a dark place emotionally.

Time slowed down ... weeks felt like months of despair.

Eventually, reluctantly, I was forced to open up to my wife and tell her what happened.

I had no choice.

Emotionally I was a wreck.

Inside I was scared that she'd judge me, or blame me for my health problems, just like I blamed myself.

But instead the opposite happened! My wife quashed my fears and gave me her full support

The relief was amazing! I now had someone to share "my secret" with.

It felt like a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

Facing Reality

My wife gave me the encouragement that I needed and lifted me from that dark, confused place.

She helped me face up to reality and I quickly realized ... I had to pull myself together.

No one else could do it for me.

So, I battled my inner conflicts and for the next 6 months I made it a personal mission to find a cure.

(Or at the very least figure out how to get my life back.)


And so the journey began.

I spent all of my free time, investing hundreds of hours, into research ...

I made numerous visits to the library, I scoured the Internet and read through all the healthcare journals that I could lay my hands on.

In those 6 months I devoured every kind of literature that had anything to do with:

- Anal Fissures, Nutrition, Healing & how to maintain good health.

I pestered my Physician with questions ...

And I arranged a meet up with fellow anal fissure sufferers in my home state.

The Breakthrough

In addition to my research, I also painstakingly recorded every morsel that went into my mouth for a whole 6 months and documented my progress in a food diary.

It was tough... but my gut told me to keep going.

After experiencing many painful episodes in the bathroom, I eventually figured out which foods helped and what foods were hindering my recovery.

I shared these experiences with my fellow sufferers and we exchanged ideas.

Slowly, but surely, I noticed a change.

It was slow, real slow (1 step forward and 2 steps back) ... but it was progress.

I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and I felt elated!

As the days turned into weeks ...

And the weeks rolled into months ...

My bowel movements eventually returned back to normal.

Just Rewards

But it didn't stop there ...

See, I needed to prove that my own results were no fluke.

So I tested this formula on my fellow sufferers.

The results blew me away ...

Every single one of them experienced massive improvement!

... And in due course went on to make a full recovery.

And today, my friend, I want to share this formula with you.

Because I understand the pain that you're going through.

If you've been suffering in pain with an anal fissure for more than 6 weeks than your fissure is chronic.

And you deserve this knowledge to help you make a full recovery.

Imagine What Life Would Be Like

... If you no longer feared using the restroom.

... If you could sit comfortably and not roll around in pain.

.... If you knew what foods you could safely eat and not worry about harming your recovery.

... If you could resume your career, resume your social life and go on dates with your partner once again.

What would it be worth to you if someone could rewind the clock, wave a magic wand and return you to your former self?

Your Time Is Now

Today, I want to share my system with you.

Today, my friend, you are in the right place...

Today, you have an opportunity to:

- Make a full recovery from your painful fissure

- And return back to a normal life.

Introducing: The Advanced Healing & Recovery Blueprint

* The only program of it's kind that actually produces results *

   (and compensates for where traditional medicine fails.)

Here's A Sneak Peak Of What's Inside The Program

What You Get In The A.H.R.B. Program

  • Lifetime Access To The Private Members Area   $2,997 Value
  • 3 Advanced Proprietary Methods That Will:

1. Heal Your Fissure                  $997 Value 

2. Accelerate Your Recovery  $997 Value

3. Rebuild Elasticity                 $997  Value

  • Bonus Content:

1. Treatment Must Knows      $497  Value
2. Diet & Lifestyle Hacks         $997  Value

  • 90 Days Of V.I.P. Support                                 $2,997  Value

TOTAL VALUE: $10,479

  Phase 1 - Initiation Of Healing

 Here we start the healing process by focusing on   how to stop the fissure from bleeding. Every       time you have a bowel movement, your fissure     wound re-opens.

 Phase 1 uses proprietary methods to protect the   wound internally and stop the re-tearing that     occurs after each bowel movement.

  Phase 2 - Accelerated Recovery

 In Phase 2 we make use of TWO powerful   methods that stimulate the anal sphincter   muscle and the surrounding area. Why TWO   methods? 

 The combination forces oxygen rich blood back   into the anal passage. After completion of this   phase you’ll be able to get on with normal life.

  Phase 3 - Elasticity Rebuild

 In Phase 3 you’ll identify how to rebuild elasticity   in the anal passage area to prevent a recurrence   of your fissure.

 After completion of this phase you’ll be able   to enjoy eating the foods and drink that you   gave up to start your recovery. 

  Bonus 1 - Treatment Must Knows

  Ever wondered why your healing is delayed? A   common reason is thinning of the skin in the   anal passage.

 In this bonus module we cover treatments that   could potentially harm your recovery, how to   reduce pressure on the anus and much more...

  Bonus 2 - Diet & Lifestyle Hacks

 If you knew that common, everyday foods were   making your digestion sluggish, would you still   consume them?

 Want to know if alcohol is safe to consume with   your fissure? What about your morning   Starbucks? Get your questions answered here.

  Bonus 3: VIP Support For 90 Days

The Cherry On The Cake!

 A full 90 days of support to answer all of your   questions and ensure that no one is left behind.

 You'll receive expert guidance and support to   speed up your recovery, even if you have no one   else to turn to.

Today, You're Getting All Of This For...

Advanced Healing
& Recovery Blueprint


one time payment - full access

6 Weeks To A Full Life

VIP Support 

Private Members Access

Heal & Recover From An Anal Fissure


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

" Advanced Healing & Recovery Blueprint allowed me to make a full recovery from my anal fissure. The support is excellent. I don't have to worry about public restrooms any more. "

Abantika Chopra - Gujarat, India

" I highly recommend this program. I suffered with my fissure for nearly 2 years until I found this. Sam will get you healing even if your Physician can't. "

John Edmund - Montreal, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Is The Program? - The Advanced Healing & Recovery Blueprint is designed to get you leading a full life within as little as 6 weeks. Results will vary based on factors like the state of your current health, how closely you follow the program, how well you follow the recommended dietary guidelines, the strength of your immune system, the depth of your fissure and whether you have any pre-existing health conditions.

V.I.P. support lasts for a full 90 days. This is intentional, to provide you with reassurance, should your recovery take longer than 6 weeks or if you choose to start the program later. 
Can I Access The Material On My Tablet Or Phone?  - The Private Members Area can be accessed from any of your devices - PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone. You can go through the material at your own leisure.

You have lifetime access to the members area.
How Much Time Does The Program Require? - You can expect to see results if you consistently take action for 10 minutes per day. Some people have seen significant improvements in as little as 7 days by following the program carefully.
I'm In A Lot Of Pain - Will A.H.R.B. Really Help? - Yes! All of our students have seen a massive improvement in their healing. There is a module inside of the program that shows you how to manage your pain.
Are There Any Risks With This Program? - No! A.H.R.B. only uses natural healing methods so it is risk free. Compare this to surgery, where as many as 1 in 3 patients will suffer from complications post surgery.

The most common risk with surgery is anal incontinence - i.e. losing control of your bowel function.
How Do I Know If A.H.R.B. Is Right For Me?

If you can answer yes to any of the following:

- I am in regular pain because of my fissure.
- I've had my fissure for a long time and it's not healing.
- I fear using the bathroom/public restrooms.

- I'm fed up of my fissure restricting my social life, my family life and my job.
- I'm confused about what to eat or drink.
- I feel embarrassed and shame about telling my friends and family about my condition.

- I live on my own.
- I don't have a good support network.

... Then A.H.R.B. is right for you.

The program will help you to get results faster than relying on outdated, antiquated methods that traditional medicine pushes - methods that frankly don't work for the majority of people that suffer from an anal fissure.


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